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1 min read
An Investment Strategy for Better Returns
Let's talk more specifically about the problem with the typical diversified portfolio investment strategy and our solution. Be sure to note

5 min read
What Should I Do with My Old 401k?
Many people forget to do something with their old 401k and end up doing nothing. Let's look at the options to help you make better choices.

2 min read
Roth IRA vs Traditional IRA
Hello again! I am back this week to go into a little more detail on why I usually recommend a Roth vs Traditional IRA for most people.

3 min read
How to Prioritize Your Retirement Contributions
Many people think that if they just max out their 401(k), they will be set when it comes time for retirement. But I think you can do better.

3 min read
Addressing Investors' Top 2 Concerns
Investors want the best returns, but they do not want to accept the risk of losing money in a down market. Because investors do not want to

1 min read
Introducing Our Newest Team Member
I have known Matt for about ten years and I am excited to introduce him to you. Watch our chat to learn more about him and his role at CFG.

2 min read
The Money Checklist: Phase 3
If you’re a money nerd like me, this is where all the fun is. Your foundation is laid and the basics are behind you, so now you get to dream

6 min read
It's a Risky Business
What does forecasting future market conditions mean for a long-term investor? Even those who know better can be at risk.

1 min read
How to Choose a Financial Advisor
Many people who come see us have already had some negative experiences with financial advisors. Whether they were given bad advice, were...

6 min read
m&m's: chatting about markets & mortgages
My wife, Kristy, has hijacked the blog for a good cause again. Here she is... Well I prefer the chocolate variety of m&m's personally,...

3 min read
Wealth Creation vs Self-Sabotage
What is the Secret to creating wealth? Well, if you do a quick google search asking just that, there are numerous authors who have...

4 min read
How Advisors REALLY Get Paid
What You Probably Don't Know The financial industry as a whole is very cloak and dagger when it comes to explaining how we actually get...

4 min read
Make Money Work for You (Kids & Money, Part III)
Most adults don’t fully understand investing, so how are we supposed to explain it to a child? My advice is to keep it simple, teach with...

2 min read
Are You Prosperous or Wealthy?
Today I am talking about people who are making decisions right now that are going to cause them to be poor in the future...

3 min read
For All the Gen Xers Out There
I want to keep this brief, so I'm just going to lay it all out there. Let's start with the current situation, look at how we got there,...

2 min read
Too Much or Too Little Risk?
Every time I'm out driving, I'm amazed at how slowly some people drive, while others nearly run me off the road with their speed. It can...

3 min read
Don't Invest Like You Buy A House
There is so much news about the timing of when the fed will increase interest rates and what impact those rate hikes will have on...

1 min read
What If I'm Embarrassed?
Click below to watch or scroll down for the transcript. Here’s a general rule of thumb… If you’re 45 and make $100,000 you should have at...

3 min read
Invest or Pay Down My Mortgage?
This is a question that many are asking. There are actually two schools of thought on this, so I'll briefly explain both and then share...

2 min read
Calculate Your Retirement Number
How much do I need to save for retirement? This is one of the questions I am asked most frequently. To answer that question, we need to...
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